The collection of Conversations in this booklet have been more than 20 years in the making, starting when my son and his friends were adolescents. We attended church regularly, a familiar part of growing up as a C.K. (Church Kid!) Back in the day, I had wonderful teachers for Sunday School, Bible Study, VBS, and BTU, learning about Adam and Eve, Baby Jesus and the adult Lord Jesus, as well as other colorful Bible stories. I learned to take notes and make notes in my Bible or teaching handouts, something I continue to do. As a parent, my dilemma became, 'Who will be the next generation of Bible teachers for my child and his friends and those who would come after them? How would they receive the true and simple message of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus and His victory over Satan, for our sake, for our good? Who would teach them about prayer and spiritual warfare? Would I be content sitting on the pew beside my child, more concerned about someone teaching Me, the adult, than about someone teaching my child? Was I meeting my duty to the Great Commission (Go, make disciples!). This introspection plus the years of note taking plus a "burden" for God's people motivated me to do something. You can find this booklet under "Shop". God Bless these passages. My prayers is they pour into your mind, your heart, your spirit. To God be the Glory!