Abide in the Lord, Your Safe Place

Posted August 11, 2024

Summer days are always a season of “free time” for kids, parents, employees and working people from all sectors. Destination vacations, exotic escapes, family getaways and road trips are now part of a list of other fond memories. Soon it w…

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"How 'ya Living?" (Be ABOUT That Life!)

Posted July 17, 2024

In the Gospel of John, Chapter 9, Jesus heals a man who was born blind. Later, when He was speaking to a group of Pharisees (religious leaders of the Jewish people) about His actions, Jesus says, “I have other sheep that are not of this fold…

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'Dad' Lives Matter!

Posted June 21, 2024

Father’s Day is a national holiday celebrated in June. This celebration of “Dads” got started more than 50 years after Mother’s Day was established. Grandfathers, uncles, and other men in the “village” who take on parenting roles are also hon…

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Who's got YOUR "back"?

Posted May 28, 2024

Maintaining credentials to work as a Registered Nurse requires Continuing Education. This year, I chose a module that included a course that identifies “labels” for what often happens not just to nurses but can be the experience of anyone wor…

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Royal Rule of Love

Posted April 28, 2024

Humble origins and oppression have been familiar across all racial, credo, social and economic statuses. Side by side comparisons of life as people knew it in past generations would surely reveal more similarities than differences in how fam…

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Posted March 29, 2024

Eggs and candy, baskets and bunnies are waiting for us to make room for them in our homes this month, familiar scenes we see every Easter/Resurrection season. Let us not forget, the Greatest gift we can make room for is the Incomparable, Mat…

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It's FAITH for Me!

Posted February 14, 2024

Across the nation, we acknowledge Black History and celebrate Love during February. History anchors facts, anchors battles won, anchors your rightful place, records accomplishments as well as hardships. When others try to restrict and rem…

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2024 is Here and Didn't come to Play!

Posted January 6, 2024

“Who Among You" 😊 has seen the viral video of an Atlanta church “Swag” New Year’s Eve service? What I saw was a Pastor - not those who showed up – leading people to “walk it out” and “swag surf” to music and lyrics by secular artists. What…

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What will YOU Share?

Posted December 14, 2023

December closes out the year with Celebrations of:

Victory - Hanukkah, an ancient tradition called the "festival of lights", celebrates how a small group of Jewish fighters, against all odds, regained The Temple when a tiny supply of oil…

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Oh, Give THANKS!

Posted November 21, 2023

November brings anticipation of family gatherings, great food, time off from work, all that Thanksgiving brings. We are encouraged to remember to give thanks and be grateful. For the Believer, it is also an observance of Independence, the…

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Perfect People Make Some Noise.....

Posted October 7, 2023

God is not looking for perfection. He gave his only son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to fulfill the demand of the Law for a perfect person. God knows we are imperfect people. And throughout scripture, God uses imperfect people to carry out His pl…

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GRACE is the Word!

Posted September 4, 2023

Does anyone remember the days when the public library would have to remind us, then beg us and practically threaten us, to bring our borrowed books back? Being “acceptable” and “good enough” to use their books meant following their rules …

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Your HELP is HERE!

Posted August 25, 2023

I have a nephew, his parents gave him a Big name – Jeremiah Job. He is the sweetest toddler you could ever imagine. Grandma and Grand Auntie call him Jeremiah. Dad calls him Jobey. His Sister calls him Jo – and he recognizes and answers to …

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Posted August 22, 202

 We are all from different "walks" of life, but let's talk. My desire is to deliver Good News, rhema revelations from the Holy Spirit, from years of hearing and studying and applying the Word of God. There is Still Good News about the love an…

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Good Steward Works

Welcome To Good Steward Works Blog page. As the title suggests, this venue is dedicated to passing along "seeds" the Lord God blesses me with. Pastor Joseph Prince teaches that principle of the Church (Acts 2) is, whatever "good" one person has is for the benefit…

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