Abide in the Lord, Your Safe Place

Abide in the Lord, Your Safe Place

Posted August 11, 2024

Summer days are always a season of “free time” for kids, parents, employees and working people from all sectors. Destination vacations, exotic escapes, family getaways and road trips are now part of a list of other fond memories. Soon it will be time to “fall in” to the “real real” again: trouble and troublemakers, stress and stressors, challenges to your joy. There is no better time than now to put our focus on Truths, think on Promises, hold on to the Word of the Lord who tells us, “For He orders His angels to guard you wherever you go. (Psalm 91:11)

Dr. Dharius Daniels does a teaching series “A Letter to my Enemies”. One of the sermons is “God Don’t Play about Me”. Dr. Daniels begins this sermon pulling from the Book of Nahum, Chapter 1. Biblegateway.com/quicksearch summarizes the introduction of this Book, verses 1-3: “This is the vision God gave to Nahum.....God is jealous over those He loves; that is why He takes vengeance on those who hurt them. He furiously destroys their enemies. He is slow to get angry, but when aroused, His power is incredible, and He does not easily forgive.” Dr. Daniels says if anyone interferes with God’s plan for your life, your happiness, what He is doing through your life, God calls them enemies. What a Word for your peace, as you return to business as usual on the job or a new school year or move away from an old routine, whatever is next for you!

Dr. Daniels reminds us that our Savior the Lord Jesus sees All that ever happens to us, and He feels it, too. He was also harassed for no reason; mobs chased Him; people got in His face, told lies about Him and threatened Him and threatened those who were His friends: “This High Priest of ours understands our weaknesses, for he faced all of the same trials we do, yet he did not sin” (Hebrews 4:15). The Old Testament prophet Elijah had to reassure his servant in 2 kings 6:15-16 with a similar Word: “Those who are with us are more than those who are with them....there are more on our side than on their side.”

God doesn’t play about you. He sees when others go about trying to upset your day or your mood or your joy with bullying or any unkind acts. God wants us to trust that He will handle our enemies, even if we don’t get to see His plan for vengeance. Click the link below for the full sermon. What a Word!

Dr. Dharius Daniels “God Don’t Play About Me: A Letter to my Enemies”


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