

Posted August 22, 202

 We are all from different "walks" of life, but let's talk. My desire is to deliver Good News, rhema revelations from the Holy Spirit, from years of hearing and studying and applying the Word of God. There is Still Good News about the love and grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ, too good to keep to myself! As we cannot all sit and talk at the same table, we can have a conversation here. I hope to leave you encouraged, uplifted, inspired, and Always believing that God's heart is For you.

I hope these entries will challenge you to look closer at what you have been taught and have grown up believing about Father God, the Lord Jesus, and the Holy Spirit; I hope they will challenge traditions that we can't prove came from the Bible, but we can't let go of either, even though they often hinder God's "other sheep" who also need the hope of a living Savior against a defeated but real Enemy. 

It is a Good day - Every day is a Good day - to keep the Word of God and the will of God in our thoughts, on our mind, in what we say, and in what we do. And we are thankful for updated interpretations and "versions" of what so many of us learned from the King James Bible. These newer texts make the Gospel plain and accessible to everyone. 

Prepare to be enlightened, to be upset, to be judgmental, to shake your head, to say "Hmmm", to have an "Aha" moment, to experience the whole gamut of your emotions. Prayerfully, together we will understand the urgency of removing blinders from the eyes of the lost and from our own eyes, so that none of the Lord's precious people will be lost to the enemy of our soul. 

Let's Connect

If you have any questions or comments, I’d love to hear from you. Your feedback is always appreciated!