GRACE is the Word!

GRACE is the Word!

Posted September 4, 2023

Does anyone remember the days when the public library would have to remind us, then beg us and practically threaten us, to bring our borrowed books back? Being “acceptable” and “good enough” to use their books meant following their rules (a little exaggeration here). Eventually, we received “favor” when the library came up with “free days”, where you simply had to come to them - just as you are - with their books; late fees were forgiven, absorbed, leaving you with a clean slate, a new start. That didn’t mean the rules never existed. It only meant you would not be “condemned” when you messed up.    

And the “way of escaping” the punishment for messing up was free to all who came forward and accepted it! It wasn’t because of anything we had done; it was all just forgiven.

This memory is a light-hearted example of how mankind “escaped” the punishment for the sin nature that was released in the world after Adam and Eve disobeyed God. Later, Man was still not able to live up to what was required by the Law (that is, the 10 Commandments) – so in stepped Jesus, God the Son. He allowed himself to be the sacrifice, the ONE who would die for ALL. When we come to Him just as we are, admitting that we cannot live a perfect life, that we mess up, we receive His free gift of Grace and forgiveness, not because of anything we have done, but All because of what Jesus did!

Elvis Presley, who was a teen heart throb in his time and was called the “King of Rock & Roll”, was a cultural icon in music history. What many may not know is that Elvis’ only Grammy Awards were for gospel and inspirational recordings, not for his pop music or rock and roll hit songs. His award winning album, He Touched Me, featured the gospel standard Amazing Grace.

Grace is Greater than sin. Grace is the Word! 

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