Oh, Give THANKS!

Oh, Give THANKS!

Posted November 21, 2023

November brings anticipation of family gatherings, great food, time off from work, all that Thanksgiving brings. We are encouraged to remember to give thanks and be grateful. For the Believer, it is also an observance of Independence, the Freedom to come boldly to God in prayer and thanksgiving. 1 Thessalonians 5:17-18 says, “Lord, teach me to offer you a heart of thanksgiving ...... Teach me to be joyful always, to pray continually....this is Your will for my life.” Praying always, in good times and in bad times, when there is plenty and when there is lack, when you win and when you lose, is God’s will for our life.

Prayer, very simply, is talking to God. You can’t get close to anyone if you don’t talk to them! Pastor Joseph Prince tells us prayer doesn’t have to be filled with “flowery speech”. Even so, prayer can be a struggle for some people. In the sermon series “Cheat Codes”, Pastor Dharius Daniels teaches that prayer can be oral (speaking), mental (thoughts) or written (words/journaling). God “hears” it all. Listen to the three excerpts from this teaching at the end of this post.

Do we consider how much time we spend in prayer? Think about how much time you spent washing your hands before 

Covid-19. But now, it’s almost second nature to us because it’s on your mind and it may save your life! Make prayer a Necessity, too. Don’t let prayer be your Last resort, but if it is, Just DO it! Feeling stressed? Tell the Lord, “I feel lousy today.” Not happy with people in your life? Say, “Lord, I don’t like what that person did just now....I don’t feel like forgiving them.” Be thankful that you are Free to talk to our loving Father God with Boldness and Confidence (Hebrew 4:16). Celebrate your freedom to tell Him what you need as easily as you tell Him what you are thankful for.

Keep Thanksgiving as a day to remember “Whom the Lord has set Free (to come freely to Him) is Free indeed!”. We have permission to speak the name of Jesus when we pray. Using His name, His position as the Son of God, is the key to effective prayer. (John 14:14). Now, that’s something to celebrate! That’s something to be thankful for! We are Free to go before God, who is the Grace to help us, in the name of our High Priest, the Lord Jesus Christ (this is a Whole conversation, coming soon!).




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