Perfect People Make Some Noise.....

Perfect People Make Some Noise.....

Posted October 7, 2023

God is not looking for perfection. He gave his only son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to fulfill the demand of the Law for a perfect person. God knows we are imperfect people. And throughout scripture, God uses imperfect people to carry out His plans. Adam, the first human God created, in a perfect paradise, did not have it all together. Adam was in the Garden, in the presence of Eve and the serpent, when Eve fell for the serpent’s trickery of words, causing them both to sin (Genesis 3:6). Abraham, the Patriarch of three major religions - Christianity, Judaism, and Islam - the one whom God chose to be the Father of all Nations, was not perfect. When Abraham was in Egypt, he told his wife Sarah to tell Pharoah she was his sister so that they would not kill him but would instead treat him well because of her (Genesis 12:13). Later, he told King Abimelech that Sarah was his sister, to again keep himself alive (Genesis 20:2, 11). Abraham’s weaknesses did not change God’s destiny for his life.

I visited a local church earlier this year to worship with them and their new senior pastor. Things have changed so much for All churches. The “face” of the church today is sometimes older elderly members who have been lifelong members. The effects of Covid 19 precautions certainly contributed to decline in attendance and membership, as well as limited resources for staff (teachers, musicians, etc). As I entered the sanctuary, I did a “double-take”. Their Music Ministry was led by one of the neighborhood disc jockeys. My carnal mind immediately had an opinion – “What the What?”, I said to myself. The Lord must, indeed, have a sense of humor, and in my “golden years”, I have learned to push the “pause” button anytime I am in danger of being judgmental.

Here was someone who had been given a gift and was using his skill with electronic synthesizers, music boards, microphones and amplifiers - all “witty inventions” from our Creator. “Spinning” the sermonic selection, synchronizing riffs and runs with the Pastor as he preached in the Spirit. Wow. I said, “Lord, thank you for leading me here today.” I couldn’t help but smile at my Own “first impression”, judgmental yes, having “my say” in my mind. But wow, what a demonstration, what a testimony, of the Lord making a way for this young man to use his skills, his talent, unto the Lord. My, my, my.

Eventually my mind began to picture the potential, the possibilities, the influence this young man could have, reaching the unchurched, those who know him in his role as a popular DJ. All I could do was sit there and wait as the entire experience began to settle in me, for my good. What could have been an opportunity for condemnation, was now a conviction that this worship service was absolutely acceptable in this sight of God, who only looks at our hearts! What a wonderful lesson. I sat there, and just laughed at myself. I’m sure Jesus was smiling as well, fully aware that I would eventually come to be on the same accord. What I felt would be a “reach” was in reality a Witness to the Grace that had been extended to this young man to use his talents, his gift, his desire and intention to serve the Lord. It was also a testimony of the Grace for this new Senior Pastor who no doubt “heard” the thoughts that I had become “vocalized” as this congregation debated and moved forward with their choice for musician.

The Lord looks at the heart, at Your heart. (Romans 8:28, 31)

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