Your HELP is HERE!

Your HELP is HERE!

Posted August 25, 2023

I have a nephew, his parents gave him a Big name – Jeremiah Job. He is the sweetest toddler you could ever imagine. Grandma and Grand Auntie call him Jeremiah. Dad calls him Jobey. His Sister calls him Jo – and he recognizes and answers to all three names, it’s amazing! Jeremiah is his strong, formal name, but his familiar, relational name is Jobey, and the ones closest to him call him Jo. A beautiful “trinity” for this beautiful boy. 

You would probably agree we often say, “God loves me”. You would probably agree we often say, “Jesus loves me”. But do we say, do we believe “the Holy Spirit loves me”? Are we guilty of forgetting about the Holy Spirit? Are we talking about Him? Are we talking to Him? Is there a “disconnect” between what is written in the scriptures about the Holy Spirit and what is “preached” and taught to us about the Holy Spirit, as though the Holy Spirit is “hands off” to the believer? When the world was created, the three persons of the Trinity were there - God the Father who showed us Power as the Creator; God the Son (Jesus) who showed us Power as a miracle worker on earth and as the Risen Savior of the world; and God the Holy Spirit, our Helper, sent from Heaven to be our Comforter, operating in the same Power that created the world, the same Power that brought Jesus back to life. The Holy Spirit, however, is not limited to one place, one geographic area. He is able to be everywhere at all times. He works in us, for our benefit!

There's a teaching video by Pastor Michael Todd (The Difference between God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit) I will share a clip from. It may challenge what some of you think but take a look for yourself, that's why we're here! He says, “We treat the Holy Spirit like the family member who doesn’t exist!” The Holy Spirit is not in heaven, He is on the earth, available to every believer!

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If you have any questions or comments, I’d love to hear from you. Your feedback is always appreciated!